Nicky Clower, Realtor®

936.661.7658 |

Nicky has spent a large portion of her life involved in the trades. Her father was a Master Plumber and a Master Electrician. She has spent countless hours in the workshop and the design center. From a young age she learned to appreciate the construction and remodeling of homes while working in the family owned appliance and flooring business. Adulthood lead her to Purchasing for the Public Sector where she enjoyed developing relationships with clients and vendors. When the opportunity arose to develop an RV Park from the ground up she jumped in with both feet. Working with contractors, city and county officials, TXDot, etc. she developed the raw land into a successful business, with a 90% occupancy rate, within three years. Over time and through numerous moves around the country the thought of becoming professionally involved in real estate always remained a goal.

When not working for her clients she enjoys camping, taking road trips and spending time with her family. She has three daughters Ashley whom graduated from UT Clear Lake and her and her husband have had their first child, Brynlee. Hannah graduated for Texas A & M Galveston with a BA in Marine Biology and a Masters in Oceanography and is currently living in Boston with her husband. Melissa, the youngest, is heavily involved in the Dance Dept. at TJC.

Reach out to Nicky today to have her help you with any of your real estate related needs!

For More Information Reach Us At

(903) 984-0115